12 December 2016

Ways to Recycle

Ways to Recycle 

Learning to recycle and waste less is important for keeping our planet green. If you care about the environment, there are tons of easy ways to help out by recycling everyday items! 

Reuse Plastic Bags 

Often plastic shopping bags get used once and thrown away, but that bag can be used for future groceries or as a garbage bag. 

Buy Rechargeable Batteries 

Batteries are filled with toxic materials that are terrible for the environment, so go green by buying batteries that you can recharge. There are also special companies that will collect your old batteries and recycle them safely. 

Recycling at School 

It’s easy to remember to recycle at home, but what about school? If your school doesn’t already have recycling bins, ask your teacher or administrator if they can get them or make one yourself – in fact, recycling can be a great project for the whole class.

Support eco-friendly companies by buying products made from recycled material – this could be anything from pencils and paper to wallets and clothing! 

Sheets, Towels and Clothing 

Old sheets, towels and clothing can be donated to charity to be sold in thrift stores, or to an animal shelter as bedding and cleaning materials. 

Get Crafty! 

If you’re artistic you probably already know that there are a million ways to reuse jars, tubs and paper. A few crafts that include recycled materials are paper mache pinatas using old ways to reuse jars, tubs and paper, tin cans and plastic containers and using old magazines to make collages.

Recycle Every Day 

The best way to recycle is to do it every day in your home and wherever you go. Remember to sort newspapers and magazines, plastic containers and bottles and assorted paper into your recycling and urge your friends and family to look out for ways to recycle too!

By Buket Temel

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waste recycle ile ilgili görsel sonucu
waste recycle ile ilgili görsel sonucu
waste recycle ile ilgili görsel sonucu
waste recycle ile ilgili görsel sonucu
waste recycle ile ilgili görsel sonucu

waste recycle ile ilgili görsel sonucu

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