Environmental issues in Turkey
Turkey hosts more than 3000 endemic plant species, has high diversity of other taxa, and is almost entirely covered by three of the world's 35 biodiversity hotspots. "Yet, Turkey’s environmental laws and conservation efforts are eroding, not improving. This has precipitated a conservation crisis that has accelerated over the past decade. This crisis has been exacerbated by legislative developments that may leave Turkey with a nature conservation legal framework that is weakened and severely out of line with globally accepted principles".The main environmental issues in Turkey are the conservation of biodiversity, water pollution from the dumping of chemicals and detergents,air pollution, greenhouse gases and land degradation.
Conservation of biodiversity
"Turkey has a remarkable diversity of wildlife, due to its wide variety of habitats and unique position between three continents and three seas. Ill-considered development projects are threatening biodiversity, but a new wildlife corridor offers hope for further conservation progress." Turkish montane forests face major threats to their genetic diversity associated with over-exploitation, forest fragmentation, air pollution and global climatic change.
Air pollution
Air pollution is particularly significant in urban areas; the problem is especially acute in Istanbul, Ankara, Erzurum, and Bursa, where the combustion of heating fuels increases particulate density in winter. Especially in Istanbul, increased car ownership causes frequent urban smog conditions. "Air pollution in urban centres, often caused by transport and the use of small-scale burning of wood or coal, is linked to a range of health problems." "PM10 levels are 36.7 micrograms per cubic meter, much higher than the OECD average of 20.9 micrograms per cubic meter and the annual guideline limit of 20 micrograms per cubic meter set by the World Health Organization." Although there is some monitoring of air pollution, compared with other European countries many air pollution indicators are not available. Greenpeace Mediterranean claim that that the Afşin-Elbistan coal-fired plant is the power plant with the highest health risk in Europe, followed by the Soma coal-fired power plant, also from Turkey.
Climate change
Summer temperatures have increased and are expected to continue to increase. Proposed new coal-fired power plants would increase Turkey's CO2 emissions. Turkey is working towards joining the European Union Emission Trading Scheme.
Turkey's most pressing needs are for water treatment plants, wastewater treatment facilities and solid waste management. There is a potential for spills from the 5,000 oil- and gas-carrying ships that pass through the Bosporus annually.
Turkey does not have sufficient water. Almost three quarters of water consumed is used for agriculture.
Land degradation
Land degradation is a critical agricultural problem, caused by inappropriate use of agricultural land, overgrazing, over-fertilization. Serious soil erosion has occurred in 69% of Turkey’s land surface. According to one estimate, Turkey loses 1 billion tons of topsoil annually.
Green space in cities
Former military land in cities may be rezoned for housing.
1-People should learn things about environmental issues.
2-We shouldn’t cut trees and lit up fire without permission in the woods.The green places should be increased and forest fıres should be avoided.
3-Poisonous wastes and waters of factories shouldn’t be dranied into rivers,lakes and seas.
4-We shouldn’t throw our trashes to rivers,lakes and seas.
5-Treatment plantes should be builded
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